Hate filling-in timesheets?
Then automate them away.

Automated activity-based time tracking gets rid of all the usual timesheet headaches for you and your mates and captures 20-30% more billable hours for your boss - everyone wins!

Don't worry, we won't spam your boss.

Automatically Calculated Time vs Manually Recorded Time App Screenshot - Tribes.AI

Timesheets made easy

In just a few steps, your company can escape manual timesheet hell and generate smarter business insights.

1 - Collecting Team Signals | Tribes.AI

1. We collect work activity from the tools you use to get work done while protecting your privacy.

2 - Calculating Time Spent | Tribes.AI

2. We automatically calculate time spent for you and generate accurate reports for your boss.

3 - Linking Time To Revenue | Tribes.AI

3. We automatically link time spent and revenue to the right clients for better business insights

Smart next-gen time tracking

Say goodbye to manual timesheets and upgrade to fully automated activity-based time tracking.

Never ever fill in another timesheet- Tribes.AI

Never ever fill in another timesheet

Activity-based time tracking automatically calculates the time you spend working based on all the digital signals you produce on work platforms, so there is no need for manual timesheets anymore.

Intro your boss for US$250

No clock in/out, start/stop required - Tribes.AI

No clock in/out, start/stop required

We automatically calculate time spent by collecting your work-related activity from the various tools you use while working, so there is no need for any manual action such as starting or stopping a timer.

Intro your boss for US$250

Get the recognition you deserve - Tribes.AI

Get the recognition you deserve

Not only do we automatically calculate the time you spend working but we also link that time back to the revenue it generated for your company so you can see and get properly recognized for your contribution.

Intro your boss for US$250

Maintain a healthy work life balance - Tribes.AI

Maintain a healthy work life balance

Activity-based time tracking automatically calculates the time you spend working - at all times - including the occasional email or comment or meeting during off hours - which might be more than you think.

Intro your boss for US$250

Your privacy is important to us - Tribes.AI

Your privacy is important to us

We protect your privacy by only analysing work-related activity from platforms used at work. We cannot read your emails, comments or files - private or work - nor do we track what you do online in your free time.

See more privacy features

Why should you switch?

Compare manual timesheets to fully automated activity-based time tracking for employees.

Compare manual timesheets to fully automated activity-based time tracking for employees - Tribes.AI

“This solves a big headache - employees hate filling in timesheets, finance hates chasing them and CEOs/CFOs hate incorrect data.”

Automatically Calculated Time vs Manually Recorded Time App Screenshot - Tribes.AI

Making timesheet excuses?
Let us fill them in for you.

Don't worry, we won't spam your boss.